Have you ever think of migrating to another country or region? Have you ever been scammed by an agent or third-party in the course of migrating to another location? Have you ever think of migrating at a lower cost? If yes I think the savior we have all been waiting and eager to see has come. A new blockchain platform that will deliver all migrant from scam and free all migrants from stress encountered during migration has comes. The name of this platform is MIGRANET . Blockchain technology as we have all known is a latest and best technology recently in all sector have adopted its use and recorded a positive growth. It is this same technology MIGRANET has decided to use to liberate the migrant from all the scammers and third-party rendering a scam services to people and travelers around the globe. People always believe it’s not easy and as well not possible to travel and do documentation on their own which this believes has led them to the services of third-party agents who...