FUTIRA COIN Real World Commercial Business Backed Cryptocurrency

INTRODUCTION FUTIRA COIN More than half the world does not have access to the internet. This is positively correlated with economic growth and has established the digital divide where some people are connected and others are not. The mobile industry globally represents 5.1% of the gross domestic product. Needless to say providing high speed mobile telecommunications to the poor countries will help them improve their GDP and in turn will lead to higher spending on telecommunications. This positive cycle will keep going till these countries fully develop. So, by introducing low cost mobile operator services using technologies that are at a fraction of the cost of technologies deployed in advanced nations can be profitable in the short term and extremely profitable in the medium and long terms. Our Mission We will connect the unconnected whilst making substantial value for our coin Our vision We will be the leaders for all the unconnected starting from Africa, leading to democratize telec...